Q. Is VC accredited
A. Yes! – VC is an independent high school by the Ministry of Education Ontario.Students receive their high school diploma and graduation certificate that is recognized by all the universities through-out the world.
Q. What type of school year?
Ours is a semester school. We typically have two semesters in an academic year namely, the fall semester from September – January and the winter semester from February – June.
Q. What is the tuition fee At Vaughan College?
A. Our affordable tuition fees enable families to fulfil their desire to see their children flourish in a private school. The fees are $10,000 for each academic year (subject to 10% increase every year keeping in mind the inflation rate).There will be additional charges for uniforms, textbooks, laptop, stationary, field trips and busing.
Or our reasonable tuition fee enables to make your dream come true at a considerably low cost.
Q. What is the class size?
A. We envisage keeping a small number of students in each class. We endeavor to maintain teacher student ratio at: 1/15 to enable the teacher to provide individualised attention to each child.
Q. Does VC emphasise on Uniforms?
A. Yes, At Vaughan College we enforce strict discipline that all students should come to school in complete uniform. This instills in them a sense of responsibility and disciplines as well as all students are treated with equality.
Q. Do you provide sibling discount?
A. Yes, the second and third sibling is allowed 8% and 5% respectively.
Q. Does VC school provide Provincial Examination and other tutoring service?
A. Yes, we offer OSSLT grade 10 provincial exams conducted by the ministry of Ontario as well as prepare students for AP, IB, ICGSE/ ASCI
Q. What other services does VC offer?
A. At Vaughan College we offer credit courses and tutoring services for all school students starting from grade
1 – 12 for all subjects. Please call up the school or visit for more specific information.